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Hotel Badi´ah , Jalan Tutong
WHEN : 22nd October FREE Orientation
COURSE DATE : 29-30th (Sat-Sun) October, From 10am to 4. 30 pm
WHERE : At Hotel Bad´iah. Course Fee includes FREE Tea. Lunch, Course Book, CD & a cool Certificate.
This is a totally Non-religious science based course to gain the advantage of endless strength of our own Mind. What ever we do in everyday life MIND remains as the KEY to proceed. Mind is the most powerful tool given to Asraful Maklukat. Instead of guiding as the best friend some times untamed Mind causes us difficulties like a malfunctioning compass as because SIMPLY we never take care this most amazing FREE GIFT. ARE YOU FRUSTRATED ? LOSING GRIP IN LIFE ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We do certain things we should not even being fully aware and helplessly in most cases we FAIL to access the correct decision , required creativity, co
ectivity, , Intelligence and so on instead we are totally taken away by our blunt thoughts and restless mind, loosing control of our Physical, Mental and Emotional BALANCE . Scientific research says that we all Human has got basic four different types of Brain frequencies to run our system. ALPHA frequency being the SUPERIOR one which we hardy can access BUT ONLY used by the people we know as GENIUS. Fortunately we all have the ability HIDDEN INSIDE and though practicing correct method we can stabilize and RECONSTRUCT the Brain system and bring out the SUPER ADVANTAGE in our favour. In a single line this life changing course may help us to TRANSFORM like a miracle.
It is indeed an Unique opportunity in Brunei Darussalam as this course shall be directly conducted by Dr. Yuree Vajramunee the SUPERHUMAN as seen on Discovery Cha
el. He is an inspirational global icon in the field of psycho-physical development, an International foremost authority in the field of Mind Training, Meditation and Art of Self-defence. Vajramunee the mystic , an author, philosopher and the founder of Butthan combat sports & Vajrapran meditative exercise system. His systems are based on ancient South Asian heritage aimed to obtain body-Mind balance, personal development rather human transformation through the systematic practice of breath control, meditation and so on. He is a multi world record holder and his 4th World Record is for the highest neuro-engagement ability (96%) in the world as confirmed by the scientific laboratory tests conducted by the team of scientists and experts . He advocates spiritual enlightenment through cultivating physical strength and mindfulness in balance for more than three decades. Acharya Yuree Vajramunee with his Supernatural ability is considered to be the strongest shin kicker of the universe today. He is also included in the famous archive of “Believe It or Not”, USA. He created sensation as an author with his self help book “100 wisdom to change your life. ” To name few of his other upcoming books are like “Door To Infinity”, “Five Spoon Sugar” “Life Like Rainbow”and “Essence of Mastery” etc.
The University of Harvard Medical School under the research supervision of Neru-scientist Prof. Sara Lazar confirms that : Proper Mindfulness or Meditation training makes meaningful changes to human brain. : Specially the parts of the brain responsible for managing memory, Intuition, learning, concentration and the ability to deal stressful situations